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Apel deschis: Electrificarea Gospodăriilor

Innovation Norway Romania este operatorul de fond al Programului pentru Energie în România, finanțat din Granturile SEE și Norvegiene. Acest program se adresează mai multor arii: Energie Regenerabilă, Eficiență Energetică, Cercetare și Dezvoltare, Training și conștientizare și Electrificarea gospodăriilor.

În data de 21 decembrie 2020 a fost lansat, cu un buget total de 10.000.000 euro, Apelul Electrificarea Gospodăriilor. Informații despre apel găsiți mai jos:

Aplicanți eligibili: orice entitate, privată sau publică, comercială sau necomercială, precum și organizațiile negurvernamentale, înregistrată ca persoană juridică în România.

Parteneri eligibili: orice entitate, privată sau publică, comercială sau necomercială, înregistrată ca persoană juridică în IslandaLiechtensteinNorvegia sau în România. Parteneriatele cu entități din Statele Donatoare sunt încurajate, dar nu sunt obligatorii.

Activități eligibile: Proiectele eligibile vizează soluții de electrificare pentru gospodăriile neelectrificate. Sunt eligibile doar gospodăriile cu locatari permanenți.

Sursa de energie pentru proiectele de electrificare va fi: sursă de energie regenerabilă (RES), care include, dar nu se limitează la energie solară, hidroenergie, biomasă și eoliană, sau o conexiune la rețea (poate include extinderea și modernizarea rețelei)

Prioritate (scor suplimentar la evaluare) va fi dată gospodăriilor izolate (“izolat” = gospodării situate la mai mult de 2 km de la rețeaua de alimentare accesibilă). 

Gospodăriile nou construite și neelectrificate și dezvoltările rezidențiale nu se califică pentru acordarea de sprijin financiar în cadrul acestor Apeluri de Propuneri, decât în cazul în care ele sunt locuite de către rezidenți care se califică drept “săraci” sau sunt într-o “situație de sărăcie” – grupuri vulnerabile, așa cum sunt definite de Legea nr. 292/2011 privind asistența socială. Termenul gospodării “noi” va fi înțeles ca desemnând acele gospodării care au fost construite în ultimii 10 ani (de exemplu permis de construcție emis sau prelungit în ultimii 10 ani) calculați până la termenul limită de depunere a propunerilor din cadrul acestui Apel pentru Propuneri de Proiect. 

Granturi disponibile per proiect: 30.000 euro – 2.000.000 euro (Schemă Granturi Mici : 30.000 – 200.000 euro și  Apel de Proiecte: 200.000 – 2.000.000 euro)

Rata de finanțare: Pentru operatorii non-economici rata grantului va fi de maxim 100% din totalul cheltuielilor eligibile pentru proiect. Pentru entitățile care desfășoară activități economice, rata de finanțare va fi stabilită pe baza prevederilor în vigoare ale Regulamentului Comisiei Europene 651/2014.

Termenul limită de depunere a aplicațiilor: 29 aprilie 2021.

Mai multe informații găsiți AICI (click).

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Introducing ClassiX Festival 2021: concerts and debates

The second edition of ClassiX Festival takes place in Iași, Romania, between the 14th and the 18th of March. An interdisciplinary festival, bringing together the diplomatic environment, art, culture and business, ClassiX marks the revitalization of artistic experiences in the (soon to arrive) post-pandemic social context. Under the Artistic Directorship of Dragoș Cantea, ClassiX Festival announces the start of a new contemporary classic affair.

Festival program:

On Sunday, March 14, at 19:30, the Classix Aeterna concert will take place at the Roman Catholic Cathedral “Holy Virgin Mary, Queen” in Iași. The artists that will perform are: Dragoș Andrei Cantea – piano, Filip Papa – cello, Andrei Chirilă – violin, Mihai Ailenei – clarinet. This event marks the Iasi premiere of the composition of Olivier Messiaen – The Quartet for the End of Time, one of the most important Christian works in the modern chamber repertoire, preceded by a sound meditation under the signature of Arvo Pärt.The video projections inside the cathedral define the syncretic experience and offer a visual trait that has already become a distinct feature of the festival.

On Monday, March 15, at 19:00, the Kaleidoscopic Trends concert will take place in the Hall of the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu”, an event realized with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum. With an effervescence that closely illustrates the contemporary classic adventure, the Viennese Artio Trio debuts in Romania. The concert program includes the Trio in B flat major for clarinet (violin), cello and piano by Ludwig van Beethoven, Kurt Estermann – Fragments I for violin, cello and piano (2019) and Antonín Dvořák – Trio Nr. 4 in E minor, op. 90 “Dumky”.

On Tuesday, March 16, at 19:00, the Tango vs. Jazz concert will take place in the Foyer of the Palace of Culture in Iași. With the support of the Bucharest Czech Center, the guest artists represent an effervescent and original duo: Kristina Vocetková – cello and Milan Řehák – accordion. The feelings and passion of the tango intertwine with elements of jazz and Prague aristocracy in the concert repertoire: Astor Piazzolla – Libertango, Milonga del angel, Oblivion, Le Grand Tango, Ave Maria, Escualo and José Bragato: Graciela y buenos aires & Milontan.

Wednesday, March 17, at 19:00, the Intimate Echoes concert takes place, in the Hall of the Technical University „Gh. Asachi” from Iași. The event is held in partnership with the French Institute. The intimate space of the hall will be the ideal host of a seductive and profound recital by Rémi Jousselme, a world-renowned French guitarist, defined by interdisciplinarity. The compositions performed during the concert are: Joaquín Rodrigo – Tiento Antiguo, Joaquin Turina – Ràfaga, Jacques Duphly – La Forqueray, La De la Tour, Rondeau Tendre, La Millettina, Maurice Ravel – Pavane pour une infante défunte and Federico Mompou, from “Compostelana Suite”: Prelude, Coral, Canción, Muñeira.

On Thursday, March 18, at 19:00, the closing concert of the festival, Classix In Perpetuum takes place in the “Henri Coandă” hall of the Palace of Culture. The event is organized in partnership with the German Cultural Center from Iași. The pianist Alexander Krichel presents two suites: the virtuoso exhibition of sound paintings – Paintings from an exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky and the fusion between Romanian folklore and impressionist tendencies in Suite No. 2 for piano in D major, op. 10 composed by George Enescu.

The Classix-In-Focus series of educational dialogues will take place online:

Tuesday, March 16, and Wednesday, March 17, from 13:00 to 15:00 (EET) – live, on the Facebook page of the Classix Festival. The sessions mark dialogues with entities such as Steinway & Sons, the Nordic Baltic Act-in-Art network and the Dextra Foundation of DNB Sparebankstiftelsen, one of the most important Nordic banking institutions, actively involved in Scandinavian cultural life. These debates are kindly supported by The Norwegian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Romania.

The events will be broadcast online on the Facebook pages of the organizers.
The public will be able to attend the concerts in the concert halls, which are limited to 30% of their capacity. Tickets will be available today, starting with 19.00 hrs (Romanian time) on





NOROCC Annual General Meeting

On February 19th NOROCC’s Annual General Meeting took place, online.

The Annual Report for 2020 was presented, and the plans for 2021 were discussed.

As decided during this meeting, the new Ambassador of Norway to Romania, Ms. Siri Beate Barry, was invited to become an Observer of NOROCC. This position was formerly occupied by Ambassador Lise Nicoline Kleven Grevstad.

The annual membership fees for 2021 were voted to be as follows:

  • small company (under 50 employees) = 150 Euro (100 Euro lower than in 2020, to support smaller businesses)
  • medium company (50-250 employees) = 350 Euro
  • large company (over 251 employees) = 550 Euro

Details about the projects that NOROCC decided to support in 2021, and about the events to be organized this year, will soon be available.

In this photo you may see (from left to right): Ionuț Eriksen, Dumitru Roman, Trond Skaarud, Cristian Turc, Preben Kløvfjell, and Andreea Mitan.

Cross-cultural business communication webinar with Pellegrino Riccardi

On November 24th the Norwegian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest had the pleasure to host a webinar with Pellegrino Riccardi, an eminent cross-cultural expert, who is specialized in cultural awareness, business culture, change and adaption.

The webinar was focused on cultural similarities and differences between Norwegian/Nordic and Romanian cultures, with the aim to facilitate business communication and to foster intercultural collaboration and partnerships.

Ms. Siri Barry, Norway’s new Ambassador to Romania took part in the webinar.

The audience consisted of representatives of Norwegian companies active in Romania (Norteam network), members of NOROCC’s network, Norwegian and Romanian entities already in cooperation or considering cooperation within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants, representatives of the National Focal Point under the Romanian Ministry of European Funds, representatives of Innovation Norway, students attending Norwegian language and cultural classes as well as courses in business communication.

You may find here the presentation of Mr. Pellegrino Riccardi (click).

Vacancy as administrative officer at the Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest

There is a vacancy at the Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest for a locally employed administrative officer. The new colleague will work 60% of the time for the consular section of the Embassy and 40% of the time for the Embassy’s Nordic police and customs liaison. Early start of the employment is preferable.

The consular work consist of a variety of activities to assist Norwegian citizens in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Searching for and providing information, contacting authorities and other entities in the three countries and submitting information to Norwegian authorities, are important tasks handled by the consular section. The new colleague will also assist with the Embassy’s archive, reception services, switchboard, information and data processing as well as help keeping the Embassy’s webpage and other social media updated.

The new colleague will assist the Nordic police and customs liaison and contribute to strengthening cooperation among Nordic police and customs authorities on the one hand and police and customs authorities in Romania or Bulgaria on the other hand. Responsibilities include administrative tasks in relation to the day to day work of the Nordic liaison and informal translation of shorter documents (English/Romanian/Norwegian).

Requirements and personal skills:
• Excellent written and oral abilities in English and Romanian a precondition.
• Good written and oral abilities in Norwegian a clear advantage. Alternatively could knowledge of Swedish or Danish be an advantage.
• Knowledge of Bulgarian an advantage, but not a precondition.
• No criminal or judicial records.
• Able to handle confidential information.
• Good knowledge of the Romanian society.
• Experience with social media (Facebook, Twitter, webpage).
• Service-minded.
• Reliable and able to keep deadlines.
• Able to work quickly and accurately.
• Able to work independently and in team.
• Flexible (willing to handle a variety of tasks, some irregular working hours, once in a while some required travelling).
• Willling to develop expertise in various fields in connection with international police cooperation in accordance with case trends.
• Facilitator of good communication within international police cooperation.
• Able to be proactive and take initiatives to overcome language or cultural barriers.

The above mentioned tasks can be amended by the Embassy.
On the job learning will be provided by the Embassy.

Application including CV and possible letters of recommendation should be sent to the Embassy at: no later than Monday 30 November 2020.

For more information please visit: 

Webinar & Matchmaking Event: Green Industry Innovation and ICT

Innovation Norway Romania announces a webinar and matchmaking event dedicated to organizations that develop solutions, products or processes that make the manufacturing industry greener and more sustainable. This event will inform about specific funding opportunities under the EEA and Norway Grants and is a platform to match potential companies that would like to cooperate on a project.

A project can receive between € 200 000 and € 1 500 000 in grants, depending on the beneficiary country. During Q4 2020 and Q1 2021 multiple countries will announce their call for proposals.

The event will take place on December 15, 11.00-12.00 CET.
Meetings must be booked via B2Match prior to the event.

Find out more and register here:


Iasi National Athenaeum is a member of NOROCC

The Iasi National Athenaeum has recently become a member of NOROCC.

Iasi National Athenaeum is a cultural public institution in Iasi city (the second largest city of Romania, known as the “Historical Capital of Romania” and “Royal City”), that belongs to Iasi City Hall. Founded 100 years ago, the institution has become one of the regional vectors in cultural and artistic domains, developing numerous projects that support education through culture, new productions and new media in fields like theatre, cinema, music, choirs, visual arts, literature. Having in administration buildings of local and national importance that function as cultural hubs for the local community, Iasi National Athenaeum has a special interest in preserving Cultural Heritage, therefore, many projects are being undertaken in this direction.

On this occasion the President of the Board, Mr. Ionut Eriksen, declared: ‘It is my pleasure to announce that Iasi Athenaeum has become a member of NOROCC. Our role as promoters of commercial relations development between Romania and Norway, directly concerned by the quality of the business relations between the two countries, will be supported by this partnership with Iasi National Athenaeum, an institution which is already well known at European level for its excellent artistic productions and for the values it promotes. We strongly believe that the cultural differences between our countries represent a cultural variety which is meant to create a collective force, beneficial to mankind, because the beauty of this world resides in the diversity of the people who live in it. Thus, we set off a journey together with a valuable partner and we hope to achieve in a harmonious way what we have set out, as this is necessary nowadays.

Welcome on board Ateneul Național din Iași!’

Call for Cooperation Project in Higher Education Area / EEA Grants 2014-2021

Education, Scholarship, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme, financed through the EEA Grants 2014-2021, launched a new Call for Cooperation Project in Higher Education Area.

This represents an opportunity for developing cooperation projects, based on common needs, between Romania, donor states Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, and other EEA Grants beneficiary states universities.

More information could be found at:

Work meeting of NOROCC President, Indonesian Ambassador to Norway and Indonesian Economic Affairs Counsellor

The President of the Norwegian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, Ionut Eriksen, received the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the Kingdom of Norway and Republic of Iceland, Todung Mulya Lubis, and the Economic Affairs Counsellor, Aulia Rinaldi Ahza, for a meeting at the head office of NOROCC, on Wednesday, September 16th.

The officials approached the evolution of the most prolific industries from Indonesia and discussed about investment opportunities.